Quick Start Programme Stories

Eco-innovating with Jordanian SMEs

Monday, December 23, 2019

QSP put in motion a project implemented by the Jordanian Royal Scientific Society and UNEP from 2016 to 2018 to help address the issue of the elimination of lead in paints – an emerging policy issue for the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management.

Heard of the Quick Start Programme?

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

As one of the most ambitious international chemicals management programmes undertaken draws to a close in December 2019 after 13 successful years – here is what you should know about it.

 Supporting Costa Rica navigate the HHP path

Monday, October 14, 2019

Costa Rica is home to more animal species per hectare than any other place on Earth. Yet until relatively recently, Costa Rica has remained one of the countries with the highest intensities of pesticide use in the world with many of the pesticides being highly hazardous in terms of acute toxicity, chronic health risk and/or environmental contamination. The SAICM-funded QSP project on ‘Highly Hazardous Pesticides phase out and alternatives in Costa Rica’ has been an important player in recent years improvement of the situation.

Empowering Sri Lanka’s vital industries to manage chemicals the SMART way

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Sri Lanka’s economy has been shaped in recent years by the industrial sectors of rubber, tourism, and textiles and apparels. Though these industries provide financial benefits to the economy, they are not always managed with environmental sustainability in mind. Therefore, the potential to cause damage to human health and the environment exists. To address the issue, the Quick Start Programme (QSP) funded a project in Sri Lanka to strengthen national capacity for applying ‘SMART Chemicals Management’.

Women leaders and QSP in the Balkans

Monday, August 19, 2019

Celebrating successful women-led health and chemicals projects in Balkan communities.

Equitable access to chemicals training through Electronic Distance Learning

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Chemicals management through the development of Electronic distance learning tool (eDLT)

Improving food security in Lesotho through the proper use of herbicides

Friday, March 2, 2018

In Lesotho, one project funded by the Quick Start Programme Trust Fund, entitled ‘Strengthening the capacity of smallholder farmers, extension staff and agro-dealers on judicious use of herbicides’, helped to increase the knowledge of the safe use of herbicides and other pesticides among these key groups to improve crop outcomes, protect the health of communities and prevent damage to the environment.

Mali and Senegal communities monitoring pesticides

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Thanks to the funding received from the Quick Start Programme Trust Fund, the Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Africa implemented a number of activities with communities in Mali and Senegal to raise awareness and build capacity of civil society organizations and local communities to reduce risks related to pesticides use in agricultural and health sector, and to monitor and gather data on pesticide use and incidents of exposure to chemicals.

SAICM Informs Consumers' choice in Serbia

Friday, March 3, 2017

“We are aware of the benefits of the current time we live in. Today we can choose a similar toy from various producers, however, we do not usually take into consideration on the chemical composition and its possible harmful effects. This campaign reminded me to think twice before I buy a new toy for my child, and to choose smartly”, said one mother during the “The fight to know!” campaign".

Better worker protection is also good for business

Friday, January 27, 2017

Cátedra del Olmo set up a women's association, Hacia el Futuro (Towards the future) in the town of la Pascuala, Samaná region, Dominican Republic in 2008. The group started a cooperative to produce cleaning products, cooking them up on a small wood stove to begin with, and marketing them to local businesses including hotels, offices and hospitals. The income gave the women, most of them single parents, enough to feed their families.

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