SAICM Focal Points

National Focal Points

The SAICM Overarching Policy Strategy, in paragraph 23, provides that “To sustain an integrated approach to managing chemicals, each Government should establish arrangements for implementing the Strategic Approach on an inter-ministerial or inter-institutional basis, so that all concerned national departmental and stakeholder interests are represented and all relevant substantive areas are addressed. To facilitate communication, nationally and internationally, each Government should designate a Strategic Approach national focal point to act as an effective conduit for communication on Strategic Approach matters, including invitations to participate in meetings and information dissemination. The Strategic Approach national focal point should be a representative of the country’s inter-ministerial or inter-institutional arrangements, where such arrangements exist.”

Governments, through their Ministries for Foreign Affairs, have thus been invited by the SAICM secretariat to designate a national focal point. Please note that the national SAICM focal point should be nominated officially by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs after consultation among interested Ministries, existing Convention focal points and other stakeholders.

Although the initial deadline for the nomination of a SAICM National Focal Point has now passed, the SAICM secretariat still accepts nominations on an ongoing basis. Governments that have not yet done so are encouraged to nominate a National Focal Point as soon as possible.

Please note that in the event of a change of National Focal Point, Governments should inform the secretariat by submitting a revised official nomination through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as soon as possible.


National Focal Points nomination letters and forms

Regional Focal Points

ICCM resolution 1 on Implementation Arrangements provides that "intersessional work be promoted through, among other things, holding regional meetings and the designation of regional Strategic Approach focal points and communication of the details of the focal points to the Strategic Approach secretariat."

Regional focal points were nominated following the first session of the International Conference on Chemicals Management through a consultative process coordinated by the Governments whose representatives served on the bureau of the SAICM Preparatory Committee and the bureau of the ICCM.

Non-Governmental Organization Focal Points

ICCM resolution 1 on Implementation Arrangements called on "non-governmental participants to designate Strategic Approach focal points and communicate the details of the focal points to the Strategic Approach secretariat."

The SAICM Secretariat has thus invited ICCM NGO participants to undertake necessary consultations for the nomination of NGO focal points.

Please note that although the initial deadline for the nomination of SAICM NGO Focal Points has now passed, the SAICM secretariat still accepts nominations on an ongoing basis.


NGO Focal Points nomination letter and form

Intergovernmental Organizations Focal Points

At its 25th meeting held in Geneva on 20-21 April 2006, the Inter-Organization Coordinating Committee (IOCC) of the Inter-Organization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals (IOMC) agreed that it would be useful to nominate SAICM focal points in order to facilitate communication with the SAICM secretariat and referrals of requests for assistance in SAICM implementation. Other organizations are also welcome to nominate focal points if they wish.

For further information on the Inter-Organization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals, its participating organizations and their role in SAICM, please visit the IOMC website


IGO Focal Points nomination form

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