With restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the postponement of the fourth meeting of the intersessional process considering the Strategic Approach and sound management of chemicals and waste beyond 2020 (IP4) and the fifth session of the International conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM5), the ICCM5 Bureau and the co-chairs of the intersessional process have proposed to establish a number of Virtual Working Groups (VWGs) to support the work of the intersessional process to advance its deliberations.
The purpose of the proposed VWGs is to develop proposals for tangible outcomes including notes identifying gaps, compromise text proposals, and new or alternate text, as appropriate. The outcomes of the VWGs will be presented in meeting documents and discussed at IP4.
The VWGs are NOT intended to replace formal face-to-face discussions at IP4 and/or negotiations that will take place at ICCM5 but rather are intended to further build understanding and prepare delegates for these important negotiations.
The VWGs are being established to work on a few specific, concrete and rather technical issues that are in need of further development and are well-suited for virtual work. VWGs will be formed on the following issues:
(i) Targets, indicators and milestones;
(ii) Governance and mechanisms to support implementation;
(iii) Issues of concern; and
(iv) Financial considerations.
Mandates for the Virtual Working Groups
Participation for the VWGs will be open to all SAICM stakeholders.
Two co-facilitators for each VWG will guide the discussion and recommend outcomes, with support of the SAICM Secretariat.
The work of the VWGs will be performed in an open and transparent manner to allow for broad stakeholder input. VWG members will be encouraged to consult with the sector/region/stakeholder group they represent and allow for written input from their broader constituency. The VWG co-facilitators will, with the support of the SAICM Secretariat, post reports, status updates and other interim documents on the current SAICM webpage for open online consultations.
Detailed information on VWGs and other relevant issues can be found below.