Your contribution matters! SAICM progress report

Your contribution matters! SAICM progress report

Reporting on SAICM implementation is a key tool in assessing progress towards the achievement of the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation's goal of sound management of chemicals by 2020.

The third meeting of the Open-ended Working Group requested the secretariat to develop a simple progress report for the period 2017–2019 that, using existing data, provided an overview of Strategic Approach activities, accomplishments and challenges for consideration by the International Conference on Chemicals Management at its fifth session.

The Strategic Approach secretariat invites all the stakeholder groups to submit progress reports they intend to submit to International Conference on Chemical Management at its fifth session by 28 February 2020. That will ensure the secretariat has sufficient time to thoroughly analyze and review all submissions and include relevant information in the overall Strategic Approach progress report for the period 2017-2019. In addition, all the submissions will be made available as information documents for the fifth session of the Conference.

Furthermore, the secretariat has conducted a short survey to evaluate the experience of stakeholders with the online questionnaire used for reporting progress by SAICM stakeholders in implementation of the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM) since 2009. The survey was open from 7 March until until 30 April 2020.

The responses to the survey will be used to inform the development of future reporting mechanisms. The collected responses will be carefully analyzed by the secretariat and will be included anonymously in the SAICM progress report for the period 2017-2019.

Three progress reports (PR1 2009-2010; PR2 2011-2013; PR3 2014-2016) were prepared based on the information submitted by stakeholders through this online questionnaire and supplemented by international and other data sources. The full list of the questions in the online questionnaire that was used for reporting in the period 2014-2016 can be found here.

The stakeholders' groups progress reports for the period 2017-2019 can be found here.

Published on 09 March 2020
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