A technical expert workshop on indicators, generously hosted by the Government of the United Kingdom, was held from 3 to 5 September 2019 in Cambridge, United Kingdom. The workshop was run by the UN Environment World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC).
The overall objective of the workshop was for participating experts to:
- Identify and review existing and potential new indicators and indicator criteria to enable assessment of global progress towards the proposed strategic objectives for chemicals and waste; and
- Provide information to assist in further elaborating the targets to ensure they are Specific, Measurable, Ambitious, Realistic and Time-bound (SMART).
Workshop documents
- Workshop Objectives, Defra, Government of the United Kingdom
- SAICM and the Sound Management of Chemicals and Waste, SAICM
- Analysing targets to help develop indicators, UNEP-WCMC
- Developing Good Indicators, UNEP-WCMC
- Examples of environmental conventions reporting processes, UNEP-WCMC
- Health indicators of relevance to monitoring sound chemicals management: experience with SDG3 and the international health regulations, WHO
- Indicators experience from the Convention on Biological Diversity and the SDGs, UNEP-WCMC
- Public Interest NGOs Contribution to SAICM, IPEN and PANāEthiopia
- Reflections for indicator development from an environmental health perspective, University of Cape Town
- Stakeholder contribution to SAICM and possible collaboration area’s, Cefic and ICCA
- Synergies with other processes, UNEP
Background documents
- SAICM Background Reading
- Key Knowledge for Successful Biodiversity Indicators
- SDG+CBD Indicator Factsheets
- Chemicals Indicator Workshop Report
- Reporting under international agreements
- Considerations for data
- ILO input towards the Beyond 2020 Indicator Development Process