Promoting regulatory and voluntary action by government and industry to phase out lead in paint
The lead in Paint component is part of the SAICM Global Environment Facility (GEF) project “Global best practices on emerging chemical policy issues of concern under the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management". The two other components are chemicals in products and knowledge management.
The project outcome is for 40 countries to legislate and implement legislation to restrict the use of lead paint; and for at least 50 small and medium enterprises (SME) paint manufacturers in eight countries to phase out lead from their production processes.
The project component on lead in paint involves working with governments to support the development of lead paint laws, and working with SMEs to promote the phase-out of the use of lead additives.
Through nationally focused interventions, project activities will work with SMEs to demonstrate the replacement of lead paint to non-lead alternatives using Best Available Techniques (BAT) and Best Environmental Practice (BEP).
Through a globally coordinated approach with governments and regional standard setting organizations the project will accelerate the adoption of legal limits to lead in paint.
The project started in January 2019 at its inception workshop and is scheduled to to end in 2021.