The overall objective of this study is to provide clarity on the scope and modalities for implementation of the industry involvement component for the Integrated Approach to financing the sound management of chemicals and waste and elaborate how industry involvement can be scaled up and monitored in conjunction with the Beyond-2020 Framework/Instrument. The document is intended to provide helpful context and recommendations in supporting decision-making in preparing for the fifth meeting of the International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM5) or a future ICCM. It can also be used as input for developing guidelines for operationalizing industry involvement once the Conference has more clearly defined what constitutes industry involvement. Additionally, this document can inform financing discussion for a future framework/instrument on chemicals and waste.
This draft study is developed in response to the independent evaluation of implementation of the Integrated Approach to financing the sound management of chemicals and waste
(UNEP/EA.4/INF.16, 2019) and the independent evaluation of SAICM from 2006 - 2015, finalized in 2019. The former identified gaps in the industry involvement component, including lack of clarity of what counts as industry contributions, absence of a mechanism for tracking activities and financial flows, and poor understanding of industry involvement at the national level (UNEP, 2019). The latter highlighted that “insufficient progress had been made in taking forward the mainstreaming and industry involvement components of funding identified in the Integrated Approach to the sustainable financing of sound management of chemicals and waste proposal” (SAICM, 2019a).
Final Study:
The Final Study was released in April 2022 and can be accessed by the following link:
Study on Industry Involvement in the Integrated Approach to Financing the Sound Management of Chemicals and Waste - April 2022 (
Draft Study:
The Secretariat invited SAICM stakeholders to review and provide comments on the draft study on the industry involvement for the Integrated Approach to financing the sound management of chemicals and waste. The deadline for written comments was Wednesday, 6 October 2021
Draft Study on industry involvement in the Integrated Approach to financing the sound management of chemicals and waste (dated September 2021)
On the 16th September 2021, the SAICM Secretariat organized a Webinar to present the main results and conclusions from the draft study.The slides used in the presentation can be accessed here:
Webinar Opening Report Presentation Draft Outline:
In March 2021, a draft outline was posted online for comments by SAICM stakeholders. This outline is accessible here for reference: Draft annotated outline (dated 23 March 2021)