The third meeting of the intersessional process considering SAICM and the sound management of chemicals and waste beyond 2020 requested that a Technical Working Group be tasked to advance work on targets, indicators and milestones in preparation for the fourth meeting of the intersessional process.
The outcomes of the meetings will serve as a contribution to support decision-making for beyond 2020 at the fourth meeting of the intersessional process considering SAICM and the sound management of chemicals and waste beyond 2020 originally scheduled in March 2020 in Bucharest, Romania and postponed due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Role of the Technical Working Group
- Review proposed targets, assess alternatives and improve consistency in terminology and approach.
- Review targets to increase the balance towards impact-oriented ones.
- Make suggestions for a cohesive and coherent target-indicator framework including identification of existing sources of data and data collection, as well as recommendations on a set of high-impact/high-priority targets and associated indicators.
- Clarify key actors for existing data.
- Propose indicators for Emerging Policy Issues.
- Identify and provide suggestions on the role of milestones and how they can be advanced.
- Prepare fact sheets on the proposed targets.
- Identify any gaps.
This webpage is intended to support the technical working group and post relevant documents. The SAICM secretariat will post other relevant documents proposed by members of the Technical Working Group to further inform and support the work of the group.
This is an initial list of key information documents listed under point 1 of Group A IP3 outcome document. These documents will help inform the group and guide the work.
Initial list of key information documents
- SAICM/IP.3/12 - Report of the third meeting in the intersessional process to consider the Strategic Approach and the sound management of chemicals and waste beyond 2020
- SAICM/IP.3/INF/2 - Report from the technical expert workshop on indicators for the Strategic Approach Beyond 2020
- SAICM/IP.3/INF/13 - Update on the Strategic Approach Global Environment Facility Project
- SAICM/IP.2/8 - Proposal on objectives in support of the 2030 Agenda and related milestones
- Initial mapping of IOMC Indicators to the current objectives and targets of B-2020
- Thought Starter on Beyond 2020 Indicators and Milestones: Chemical Safety Contributions to the SDGs - Submission from IPEN
- Input towards the Beyond 2020 Indicator Development Process - Submission from ILO