Open-ended Working Group

The second session of the International Conference on Chemicals Management in its resolution II/6 established the Open-ended Working Group (OEWG) as a subsidiary body of the Conference. The functions of the OEWG are to consider the implementation, development and enhancement of the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals management, including by:

  1. Reviewing and prioritizing proposals for emerging policy issues in preparation of the next session of the Conference;
  2. Continuing discussion on work on emerging policy issues;
  3. Considering proposals for the inclusion of new activities in the Global Plan of Action;
  4. Considering initiatives that are being undertaken and addressing progress and gaps in achieving the goal that, by 2020, chemicals are used and produced in ways that lead to the minimization of significant adverse effects on human health and the environment;
  5. Considering the outcomes of regional meetings;
  6. Identifying priority issues for consideration for inclusion in the agendas of the sessions of the Conference;
  7. Undertaking such other activities as the Conference may direct.

The Bureau of the Conference also serves as the Bureau of the OEWG which is serviced by the secretariat.

According to its founding resolution, the OEWG meets once in the year prior to the sessions of the Conference, if possible back to back with other related meetings.

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