The third meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group for the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management took place from 2-4 April 2019 in Montevideo, Uruguay. Over 350 participants from 85 governments, IGOs, NGOs and the private sector participated.
In-session documents and information
Reports in 5 other UN languages are available through this link
OEWG3 Timetable
UPDATE Side Events Programme
Side Events Brochure
Technical Briefings Programme
TECHNICAL BRIEFING 1Title: Broader Global Platform on Chemicals and Waste - A discussion led by the Government of GermanyHosted by the Government of Germany
TECHNICAL BRIEFING 2Title: A deep dive into the second edition of the Global Chemicals Outlook - Learning from experience andexploring optionsHosted by UN Environment
Interactive visualization of attendees
Information for delegates
Participants Logistics Note for 31 March & 1 April 2019
OEWG-3 daily news coverage, highlights and outcomes at IISD reporting services
#SAICM #Beyond2020
The following meetings will be held back-to-back with the OEWG-3, in Montevideo, Uruguay
31st March 2019 (at Hotel Radisson, Dir: Plaza Independencia 759)
1 – Open the application store of your mobile (Google Play or Apple Store) 2 – Search for “UN Environment Events” 3 – Install the app 4 – Open the newly installed UN Environment Events and open the event “OEWG3”
OEWG-3 Montevideo, Uruguay, 2-4 April 2019
OEWG-2 Geneva, Switzerland, 15-17 December 2014
OEWG-1 Belgrade, Serbia, 15-18 November 2011
Open-Ended Working Group